Small to medium-sized producers in agriculture, fisheries, and other food-related industries based in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima
We bring our food culture and products to the global market, with pride.
Through the process of overcoming the latest disaster, we, the farmers, fishers, and food producers in Tohoku, have rediscovered respect to mother nature and craftsmanship, sustainable lifestyle, and pride in our food culture and products
Encouraged and united, now we take on a global challenge to transmit our food culture and proud products to the global market.
Our activities include:
- Hold study seminars on import regulations, market situation, culinary culture and consumer preference of target countries;
- Formulate export strategies and develop recipes/products of strategic items;
- Organize food exhibition and tasting events in Japan and in target countries (both online and on-site);
- Implement food export and conduct business negotiations
- 海外への販路開拓に向けた,各国の規制状況等やターゲット国のマーケット・食文化・食の嗜好性等の理解促進を諮る座学の企画・開催
- 戦略食材に関する輸出戦略の構築と,レシピ・商品の開発
- ターゲット国・日本国内における,体験・試食商談会等のイベントの企画・開催(オンライン,オフライン共に)
- 食材輸出と商談の実施 など
タイ / フランス / 日本
Tetsuya Muto, chef, Bistro D'arbre french, Ebisu branch Produce from Tohoku’ s fertile soil and sea is sent to us directly after a thorough cleaning process. After the disaster, the sale of produce slumped and producers in Tohoku explored ways to make their produce more appealing. The fishermen started to focus on quality over quantity. They made the mesh bigger on their nets so they would not catch small fish and killed the fish with methods requested by customers. They are careful with packaging so the fish arrive in the best condition. How we handle agricultural produce is the result of years of experience, and trial and error. We feel the soul of the producers. Since the produce is of high quality, we, as chefs, look for its most appealing aspect. Then, we figure out the best way to cook it to draw out its aroma, texture, and umami. We also think about how to pair the produce with other ingredients. We believe that our customers feel that our food is prepared with a great emphasis on the ingredients.
I have had the experience of cooking almost all of the produce made by the producers in our community. In terms of the quality of the produce, it evolves rapidly day-to-day as a result of the producers’ constant research and efforts. I am convinced that the one thing all the producers have in common is their love of the terroir. Terroir is a word in French cuisine that is reflected in my cooking. It refers to the notion that wine and agricultural produce that is created under the same conditions such as the weather and terrain and a shared agricultural tradition, will result in similar characteristics in flavor and taste. Even though the producers are making different types of produce and all the produce is harvested in Tohoku, a wide variety of terroir is scattered throughout the region. It is not an exaggeration to say that the produce they make on their land is their identity. In my work, I am only telling the stories of each producer. And I am convinced that the diverse stories these producers tell contribute to the unwavering appeal of the produce of Tohoku. I would like you to think of the smile on the faces of the producers when you savor the produce of Tohoku. Their produce will not only satisfy your palate, but will also fill your heart with joy.
生産者の皆さんの食材はほぼ全て調理させていただいた経験があります。クオリティという面では、毎日のたゆまぬ研究と努力の成果により、「日々、目まぐるしく進化している」という一言に尽きます。そして確信していることが一つだけあります。皆さんが『その土地のテロワールを愛している』ということです。私の料理のベースを作ったフランス料理の言葉『terroir( テロワール)』はその土地で育てられる『ワインや農作物には、同じ気候や地形、共通の農業文化の継承などの同一条件が、味わいや風味に同じ特徴をもたらす』という意味が込められています。生産者の皆さんが作物を生産したり、収穫している土地には同じ東北といえど、多種多様なテロワールが点在します。皆さんがその土地でつくった作物は皆さんのアイデンティティと言っても過言ではないでしょう。私は普段の仕事でその一つ一つのストーリーを伝えているに過ぎません。そしてその多様なストーリーこそが東北食材の揺るぎない魅力の一つだと考えます。皆さんの味覚はもちろん、心を満たしてくれる東北の食材を、生産者の皆さんの笑顔を思い浮かべながら味わって見てはいかがでしょう?