Slide show of Yuki -sanスライドでわかる大友さん
Ootomo says: “I originally didn’t like tomato juice. Actually, I used to hate tomatoes.” With the aim of promoting products made in Aizu and Fukushima, Ootomo is a member of “The Three Tomato Musketeers.” These producers grow tomatoes with an exquisite balance of sweet and sour that are fully ripe on the vine before harvested. The farm also produces premium-quality tomato juice. He wishes to contribute to the local economy by creating employment in the Aizu region by expanding sales.
Producer Information 生産者情報
Otomo Yuki 大友 佑樹
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Yuki s' Comments
I want people to know about the safe and great food grown in Tohoku. I’d like to have exchanges with people involved in agriculture abroad, and endeavor to enhance the level of agriculture in Japan!
東北の安心安全な素晴らしい食材をぜひ知ってもらいたい。海外の農業者とも交流を持ち、より日本の農業がレベルアップできるように取り組んでいきたい!大友 佑樹