Slide show of Saito-sanスライドでわかる齋藤さん
Saito noticed that the harvest of peaches was concentrated in a short period of time, and fully ripe peaches were abandoned on trees because of the time limitations. She bought the fruit from the farmer and started to process the peaches with an instant freezing technology. The peaches are now sold under the name “Momofuru,” and can be enjoyed all year round. The product has been exported to Australia since 2017. Saito is expanding the possibility of peaches by combining them with pizza, wine, and other dishes.
Producer Information 生産者情報
Yuuko Saito 齋藤 由芙子
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Saitos' Comments
Tohoku is a treasure trove of food, and sweet peaches are a specialty of Fukushima. I’d like people to taste “momo,” which are different than “peaches” from elsewhere in the world.
東北は食の宝庫。福島では瑞々しくて甘い桃が特産。世界のpeachとは違う桃‟momo”をぜひ味わってほしいです。齋藤 由芙子